soil map units where Ki Kenani soils is dominant
Soil properties
Property | Value |
Geographic distribution | ‘Eua |
Landscape position | Surfaces of the central depression and minor terraces therein. Thin ash on volcanic alluvium on coral limestone. |
Soil parent material | - |
Slope | Flat to gently undulating. |
Surface outcrops | - |
Brief soil profile description | 0-11 cm Dark reddish brown friable to firm silty clay; 11-45 cm Reddish brown firm silty clay; clay coatings; 45-72+cm Yellowish red firm silty clay. |
Soil profile texture | - |
Minimum effective rooting depth | 100 cm |
Soil pH (acidity) | Slightly acid |
Salinity | - |
Soil fertility under natural conditions | Organic carbon (C) medium and low at depth; nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) low; phosphorus (P) retention high; Base saturation (%), exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) high; sulphur (S) medium to very high; reserve potassium (K) low. |
Soil moisture regime | - |
Susceptibility to drought | - |
Soil drainage | Moderately well drained |
Susceptibility to waterlogging | Imperfect drainage in places. |
Susceptibility to flooding | - |