Fls Falehau soils

soil map units where Fls Falehau soils is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Niuatoputapu
Landscape position Form on coral sand overlying limestone concentric to Hihifo soils extending to the coast.
Soil parent material -
Slope Flat to undulating
Surface outcrops -
Brief soil profile description 0-15 cm Very dark grey friable loamy sand;15-25 cm Dark grey friable loamy sand; 25-75 cm White loose sand; on Coral limestone.
Soil profile texture -
Minimum effective rooting depth 75 cm (lithic contact)
Soil pH (acidity) Moderately alkaline to strongly alkaline
Salinity -
Soil fertility under natural conditions Organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) values low; phosphorus (P) and total phosphorus (P) are very high; sulphur (S) values medium; Base saturation (%) and calcium (Ca) very high; potassium (K) and sodium (Na) values medium.
Soil moisture regime -
Susceptibility to drought -
Soil drainage Somewhat excessively drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging -
Susceptibility to flooding -

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