HpH Halapua soils

soil map units where HpH Halapua soils is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Ha'apai
Landscape position Calcareous marl and limestone on raised terraces and hilly land at both ends of Mango Island.
Soil parent material -
Slope Moderately steep (18°-38°)
Surface outcrops -
Brief soil profile description 0-10 cm Very dark brown friable gravelly calcareous clay loam with marl and limestone fragments; on Weakly weathered regolith grading to unweathered marl and limestone.
Soil profile texture -
Minimum effective rooting depth <50 cm (lithic contact)
Soil pH (acidity) Slightly alkaline
Salinity -
Soil fertility under natural conditions Not analysed
Soil moisture regime -
Susceptibility to drought Dries out in winter months.
Soil drainage Excessively drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging -
Susceptibility to flooding -

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